Bollywood star Karisma Kapoor inaugurated the showroom, which features an extensive range of designs from various collections of Kalyan Jewellers. Candere, the lifestyle brand of Kalyan Jewellers was also inaugurated adjacently. Patrons can expect state-of-the-art facilities with world-class ambiance, providing an unparalleled experience. Kalyan Jewellers, one of India’s most trusted and leading jewellery companies, today launched its all-new showroom at D.C. Road, Near D.M. Residence, Naurangabad in Lakhimpur Kheri.
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Kalyan Jewellers launched its all-new showroom at LP Savani Road, Surat. Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor inaugurated the showroom, which features an extensive range of designs from various collections of Kalyan Jewellers. Candere, the lifestyle brand of Kalyan Jewellers was also inaugurated adjacently. Patrons can expect state-of-the-art facilities with world-class ambiance, providing an unparalleled experience.
Kalyan Jewellers launched its redesigned showroom at Link Road, Andheri West in Mumba. Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor inaugurated the showroom, which features an extensive range of designs from various collections of Kalyan Jewellers. Patrons can expect state-of-the-art facilities with world-class ambiance, providing an unparalleled experience .Addressing the enthralled crowd, Bollywood star Ranbir Kapoor said, “I am thrilled to be here today to launch this all-new Kalyan Jewellers’ showroom and meet all of you. It is an honour to be part of this special occasion as well as represent such an iconic brand, which is built on the core pillars of trust, transparency and customer-centricity. I am confident that the brand’s patrons in the region will shower their love and support for Kalyan Jewellers, while enjoying the exquisite range of jewellery pieces.”
Tim Schlick has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of PGI after 9 years with the organisation. He succeeds long serving CEO Huw Daniels, who retired as of April 4, 2024, transferring full responsibility for PGI to Mr. Schlick at that time.
GJEPC is pleased to announce a significant milestone for the gem and jewellery industry in India. Following extensive efforts by the GJEPC in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance, the Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) status is now being extended to the gem and jewellery sector. The AEO programe was introduced as piolet project in 2011 vide Circular No. 37/2011 – Customs dated 23rd August. 2011.
GIA India held the graduation ceremony for its Graduate Diamonds Diploma Program students at its Mumbai campus. Akshay Shah, Director Sales of Large Size Solitaire Category, Dharmanandan Diamonds Pvt. Ltd., was the chief guest at the event. Also present on the occasion was Apoorva Deshingkar, Senior Director – Education and Market Development, GIA India.
PGI India strengthens its ongoing association with Vummidi Bangaru Jewellers by presenting a one-of-a-kind statement collection – a stunning Platinum Evara Multi Sapphire collection. Vummidi Bangaru Jewellers, South India’s trusted heirloom jewellery brand with a 124-year-old legacy continues to set new standards in jewellery designs by combining traditional aesthetics with contemporary elements.
Jos Alukkas has launched its Chain and Bangle Fest, offering an exclusive collection of jewellery in a wide range of designs. Patrons can avail of up to 50% discount on making charges of gold jewellery across all Jos Alukkas showrooms.
GJEPC organised the International Gem and Jewellery Buyer Seller Meet (BSM) the 1st time ever at the newly inaugurated Bharat Ratnam, Mega CFC SEEPZ in Mumbai. This event is specifically designed to cater to international buyers from the U.S., Latin America Argentina, Brazil), Oceania, Australia, Dubai, Italy, Lebanon, South Africa and Uzbekistan; comprising a total of 33 international buyers from 25 companies.
GIA India held the graduation ceremony for its Jewelry Design students at its Mumbai campus. Devinder Layal, Head of New Product Development, B. N. Jewellers India Pvt. Ltd., was the chief guest. Also present at the ceremony was Apoorva Deshingkar, Senior Director – Education and Market Development, GIA India.